Smartphone Wars: Android vs iOSI am so tired of the smartphone wars.  More specifically, I have grown weary of the Android vs. iOS debate.  Every time a post goes up anywhere discussing an iOS or Android device, here come the fanboys for the other side.  Evangelizing on the superiority of their chosen operating system. It has become so tiring.

It’s time we all admit that both iOS and Android are good operating systems. Each has their advantages and disadvantages.  Some people will prefer iOS.  Others will prefer Android.  Some will like both. (ex: I have an iPad and an Android phone plus a Nexus 7 tablet. I love all three.) That’s okay.  Some people may even prefer different operating systems at different times in their lives.  That’s okay too. What’s not okay is the constant bashing of the operating system you are not using. Users are acting like the other OS must disappear.  Guess what?  That is a bad idea.  We don’t need one operating system that rules them all. We need both operating systems to succeed.

Not only do we need both iOS and Android to be good.  We need a third good operating system whether than be Windows, Blackberry or something else.  It’s competition that spurs innovation. If only iOS or Android existed, the operating system would stagnate. Apple becomes better as Android innovates.  Same for Android.  A third strong competitor would only make things even better.

Smartphones (and tablets) are tools.  They are intended to help make our lives better. I know my devices improve my life in countless ways.  However, the operating systems are not religions. We do not need to go out with missionary zeal and advocate for our preferred platform. Share what you love about your phone.  That’s fine.  But let’s admit that both iOS and Android are legitimate choices.  Both operating systems have pluses and minuses. Make your choice. Be happy with it. Stop denigrating other people’s choices when both choices are good.