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It seems like every time I turn around, I hear about another major site being hacked.  (Snapchat being the latest example.)  Luckily, most of the time, all they get is information such as our name, address, phone number and email address.  Information that is readily available anyway.  Yes, it’s annoying and it probably leads to more spam and junk mail.  But it’s probably not going to cause us major problem.  However, there are times they get more.  Much more.

Lucky hackers have been known to get usernames, passwords and more rarely, credit card information.  That is information we do not want hackers to have, because it really can come back to haunt us.  If you haven’t yet read the story of how Mat Honan had his entire digital life destroyed by hackers, I highly recommend going over to Wired to read the entire story.

One thing you learn from Mat Honan’s story is that once hackers have a single username and password it often becomes way too easy to access your information on other websites or that you have stored in the cloud.  The good news is that there is something you can do protect yourself.  Create stronger passwords and make each password unique.

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LastPass on Android

I know what you are thinking.  “I’m lucky to remember one or two short passwords.”  I’m right there with you.  That’s where the LastPass password manager comes in.  With LastPass, you only need to create one secure password that you can remember.  After that LastPass will generate and remember all your passwords for you.

LastPass is easy to use and the basic features from your computer’s browser are available for free.  Plus it’s available on Windows. Mac and Linux and works with Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari and Internet Explorer browsers.  And it’s currently being used in 71 countries.  LastPass has made it easy for you to use their surface.  Want to take advantage of Premium features such as mobile apps for iOS, Android, Windows Phone and Blackberry, the cost is $12/year.  That’s right for a mere $1/month, you can have access to secure passwords wherever your digital life takes you.

LastPass is not paying me to create this post.   They do not sponsor my blog.  I am recommending LastPass because I use it and would not want to live without it.  It is such a great feeling to know that you can use 20 character or 40 character passwords with no problems because LastPass is remembering them for you.  No more duplicate, simple passwords for me.

I love my blog.  I love talking about all kinds of topics, including technology.  If you take one piece of technological advice from me, make it this.  Get LastPass and make your digital life more secure.

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